Artvortex | NFT Marketplace


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E.S continues the evolution of the internet, from its beginnings as a largely static, one-way exchange of information, to the dynamic, interactive and personalized experiences of E.S, where a few centralized content providers have amassed fortunes by monetizing their users’ content and personal information. E.S has the ability to decentralize the web and put users back in control of their own personal information and other assets. It’s built on technologies including blockchain, crypto assets, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and smart contracts. It plays nicely with the Metaverse powered by augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR). It enables the secure and seamless movement of data and assets across systems and experiences and replaces trust with certainty. More importantly, it enables new and innovative business and operating models that almost any industry can take advantage of — not sometime in the future but starting now. Designer handbags, for example, are sold today along with NFTs designed to combat counterfeits. Video games now allow users to monetize content they create. Its potential to reshape everything from medical records to insurance products can’t be overstated. This is perhaps nowhere more evident today than the impact cryptocurrency is having on financial services. Step into the future of assets — today Blockchain-based crypto assets aren’t some emerging future concept — they’re already here.

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